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M E E T    A S H L E Y  

Ashley Rubell is a voracious reader, writer and celebrity hair stylist. Based in the Catskills of upstate New York, Ashley is raising two energetic young boys while pursuing her MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars. Her bylines have appeared or are forthcoming in Motherly, PEOPLE, Write or Die and Tidal Magazine and she is a regular contributor to Byrdie.

As a hairstylist, she frequently travels the globe for photoshoots and destination weddings. Her clients have come to include Zoe Kazan and Paul Dano, Jenni Konner and Lena Dunham, Emily Weiss and Sophia Amoruso, to name a few. 

Ashley is as a submissions reader for Narratively and the editor of an interview series, Blank to Beauty, exposing the indirect paths of various creative professionals in the beauty industry. You can subscribe to her newsletter Beauty of Books — a crossbreed of personal essays and book reviews with a dash of beauty recs— by signing up here